Cameron Lockey
“You’ve got to give that [Dragon trick] to someone...”
When Chris told me he was starting a podcast and asked me to be a host, I literally laughed. When I realized he was serious, I jumped at the chance to create something new.
I have been a maker, builder, artist, musician, and craftsman nearly my entire life. I can say I’ve come a long way from creating with LEGOs, drawing and shading with colored pencils in my notebooks, and writing songs on my Fender Telecaster and half stacks in rock bands now that I have several years as a software engineer and one home renovation under my belt. Yet I’ve never gotten over the deep satisfaction of building things.
And of course, all along the way there have been games. I played the heck out of some video games as a kid, and still make time to enjoy them today (PS4 and Nintendo Switch). Around the time I met Chris in 2011, I was introduced to Dungeons & Dragons, and shortly thereafter the world of serious board games. I don’t consider myself a hard-core board gamer, but I’m a staple at Chris Alley’s game nights, and love weighing in on the post-game discussions. My wheel-house as a table top gamer, however, is in D&D, where I’ve played dozens of characters to date, and once ran a home-brewed campaign for two and a half years as a Dungeon Master. My goal when I play D&D is to RP so hard it either makes my party uncomfortable or laugh hysterically, whichever comes first.
In non-gaming life, I work as a software engineer at a company in Durham, NC. I am married to my lovely wife, Kacey. She and I were married in April 2020 just after the pandemic shut everything down at a lovely ceremony in my now brother-in-law’s back yard. I am a committed believer in Jesus Christ, my Lord. My faith in Christ is and always will be, by grace, the biggest influence in my life. My other hobbies apart from gaming include woodworking, restoring antique hand planes, playing the uilleann bagpipes (if you don’t know what that is, here is a video of my friend and mentor Chris McMullan crushing it), baking, and I am also a former CrossFitter.