
Hidden Gems
Board Game Podcast Edition

by Sean Ross

We love Haggis so much we made a special Hidden Gems edition.

When we reviewed Haggis in Episode 26, we were sad to see that it’s out of print, hard to find, and therefore also expensive. So Cameron had the crazy idea of making a print-and-play version, and started drafting things out on the computer. A dozen or so hours later, the idea expanded into a professionally printed Hidden Gems edition deck. So we reached out to Sean Ross and got permission to print it and distribute it as a gift until it gets an official reprint.

We’re grateful to Sean for giving us the privilege of this special way to share the joy of his awesome game. Special thanks also go out to Matt Vincent, who graciously donated the amazing cartoon drawings of us hosts for the face cards.

Game Design by Sean Ross
Deck and box design by Cameron Lockey
Face card design by Matt Vincent